First I have to say THANK YOU for visiting my website! I have recently discovered the joys that cakes, cookies, & candies can bring to myself and others, and I have decided to begin sharing my love of making those things with others! Please feel free to browse through the site to see if there's anything you might like to have made for your own special occasion. And remember, if it's not here, it just means that I haven't had the honor of being asked to make it yet, so you could be the first! My contact information can be found on the right-hand side of the page, so if you have any questions please let me know!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Variety Show!

This cake is for someone who is turning 30, graduating from college, and getting married all within a few weeks of each other! Rubber ducks (or candy ones, in this case) are her thing I guess. :)

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